PCO Insurance partners with an independent General Agent for alternative financing of health plans and offers innovative options for Pest Control Operators.
Deep Specialization in the Pest Control Industry
Backed by decades of experience in the field as Pest Control Operators and Entomologists, managing large pest control company operations, and on the State Board as members of the Texas Pest Control Association, our team understands the unique risk exposures for PCOs.

We offer access to excellent employee benefits.
We can design and implement effective employee benefits plans for your business. No one plans to get sick or hurt, but most people need medical care at some point in their life. Health insurance can help cover medical costs along with other essential health benefits such as dental, vision, accident, and life insurance plans, which can prove critical to maintaining your overall health and protecting the finances of your family and the families of your employees.
Health Insurance
This employee benefit can be custom-designed to provide access to the coverages that best fit the health care needs of your company’s workforce.
Life Insurance
This employee benefit can help protect and secure the finances of an employee’s family in the event of death regardless of whether on the job or off work.
Dental Insurance
This employee benefit will help cover the costs of routine and emergency dental care for your employees.
This employee benefit is a powerful retirement savings tool for everyone in your company; in addition, a 401k plan can help you retain your best employees long term.
Vision Insurance
This employee benefit helps cover the costs of eye exams, corrective lenses (both glasses and contacts), and medical eye care. Some policies will also help with vision correction surgery.
HR/Payroll Service
By having a reliable payroll team with a great selection of HR and payroll software available, companies can benefit from increased time savings, management and reporting.
Accident Insurance
This employee benefit can add an extra layer of protection for your employees and family members if an accident occurs by helping with the additional and unexpected expenses associated with the injury.
Customized consulting services are available to provide advice and expertise to PCO client companies to help with specific risk management projects and programs.